Confessions of a Codependent Rock Chick

The ability to laugh at myself and find the humor in some of my mishaps along the way has made the recovery journey so much more enjoyable. I invite you to laugh with me :) and hope that it gives you joy on your journey. There is plenty of meaningful content woven throughout. It may just be the best balance of mystical recovery wisdom and bafoonery you'll find on the interwebs. Let me know what you think and what topics you'd like to hear more about.

Click on the photo below to check it out . . .


About the blog:
A few years ago I found myself in a place where my life and many of my relationships were in quite a mess. I was experiencing a lot of anxiety, depression and so many of my friendships and other relationships were in shambles. I had grown up in an alcoholic home and was beginning to see how, as an adult, I was repeating the patterns of turmoil, control, care-taking and general craziness that felt normal to me. Although they felt familiar, it was becoming very clear that they were no longer working and were actually toxic instead.

So I began seeing a counselor and she suggested I attend a twelve-step recovery group for codependency. I learned so much about myself there. I learned that there were lots of broken people, just like me, that had experienced incredible healing and freedom from all kinds of emotional, spiritual and relational turmoil. People were living empowered lives marked by unbelievable peace, joy, and freedom even after years of substance addiction or emotional brokenness and all of the resulting fallout.

It's been a few years since I first walked into those rooms of warm and welcoming people, all on the path of recovery together. Through my own journey with the twelve steps I have found a new way of connecting with God. I have found practical ways to walk out spiritual ideas like asking for and extending forgiveness more freely, letting go of resentment and worries, and turning them over to God's care. These are things I wanted to do in the past, that I even prayed to be able to do but where I would get stuck and just wind up with worry and anxiety instead. So, the twelve steps have deepened my spiritual experience. God has met me, and so many others, through the spiritual discipline of the twelve steps. He meets us with grace, healing, peace, and freedom most of us never thought were possible.

In this blog you'll find some new perspective, some "freedom moments," and a whole lot of bafoonery and self-deprecating humor. If we're going to be courageous enough to walk into the dark places of our soul to get to the other side, we've got to be able to laugh at ourselves and some of our experiences along the way. At least I do! I hope it makes your journey a little more enjoyable :)


If your inbox was a festival, would it be called Snoozeapalooza? I can help.